"Old Friends" represents a heartwarming tribute to the legendary composer Stephen Sondheim, whose illustrious career has left an indelible mark on the world of musical theater. Directed by the acclaimed Matthew Bourne, with the artistic touch of Julia McKenzie and choreography by Stephen Mear, the production recently concluded a successful 16-week run in London's prestigious West End.
Conceived during the solitude of lockdown, the idea for "Old Friends" came directly from Sondheim himself, demonstrating his enduring passion for his craft and his desire to share it with audiences once more. Spearheaded by producer Cameron Mackintosh, the show promises to be an extraordinary celebration of Sondheim's unparalleled talent, offering a delightful evening filled with some of the most iconic songs ever penned for the stage.
As the production prepares to embark on its journey to Broadway, it will first grace the stage of the Ahmanson Theatre in Los Angeles, courtesy of the Center Theatre Group. With more performers yet to be unveiled, anticipation mounts for a truly unforgettable experience that will captivate theatergoers and pay homage to the genius of Stephen Sondheim in all its glory.
2hr 30min. Incl. 1 intermission.
Musicals, Broadway, Transfer, Classic, Stars on Stage
Ages 10+. Children under 5 are not permitted.
March 25th, 2025
June 1st, 2025
By: Cameron Mackintosh
Songs by: Stephen Sondheim
Director: Matthew Bourne with Julia McKenzie
Choreography: Stephen Mear
Producer: Manhattan Theatre Club in association with CMI and Daryl Roth
Cast list: Bernadette Peters, Lea Salonga, Jacob Dickey, Jasmine Forsberg, Kate Jennings Grant, David Harris, Bonnie Langford, Beth Leavel, Gavin Lee, Jason Pennycooke, Joanna Riding, Jeremy Secomb, Kyle Selig, Maria Wirries, Daniel Yearwood, Kevin Earley, Paige Faure, Alexa Lopez, Peter Neureuther
Sets: Matt Kinley
Costumes: Jill Parker
Lighting: Warren Letton
Sound: Mick Potter
Other info: Projection design by George Reeve, music supervision by Alfonso Casado Trigo and Stephen Brooker, music arrangements by Stephen Metcalfe, conductor Annbritt duChateau
Elevator access, wheelchair access, assisted listening devices, on-demand closed captioning, open captioning, audio description, Braille and large print Playbills
Please Note:
Children under 5 are not permitted in the theatre.
No weapons permitted on the premises. No outside food or beverages, electric scooters, e-bikes, or battery-powered transportation devices, except when medically necessary.
All items are subject to inspection. Anything brought into the theatre must fit on your lap or completely under your seat without blocking any aisles.
The use of cameras, cell phones, and other recording devices during the show is strictly prohibited by law, except when used for accessibility services.
Tickets for this event will be on sale at a later date. Check back soon.
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